One Little Word for 2022: TOGETHER
Each year, my colleagues and I choose one little word to sum up our goals and resolutions for the new year. Last year, I chose inconceivable as my word, and 2021 lived up to the potential that my one little word suggested. 2021 somehow found a way to be inconceivably worse than 2020, on a micro and macro scale.
In 2021, as the global pandemic raged on, climate change worsened, and women’s rights took enormous steps backwards, I experienced the death of three different family members. I struggled with a health crisis, and worrying constantly about my kids It was, by any measure, a terrible year.
Even still, I’m aware of how lucky I am, and how privileged I am - to be alive, to have healthy children, to have a house to live in, and to be surrounded by love and friendship. The mental friction of being caught between so much stress and so much to be thankful for is something I think a lot of people can relate to right now, as the pandemic stretches on and on and its impact reaches deeper and deeper into our daily lives and relationships. I know I’m not alone.
So my one little word for 2022 is TOGETHER.
I have to constantly remind myself that I am not the only one - I’m not the only one who has lost someone this year, or who has had to deal with a health issue, or is worried about their kids. Everyone on earth right now is living through a collective traumatic experience. We are in the pandemic together whether or not we want to be.
Recently, a friend relayed a story to me about planning for a play date for her son. My friend had texted the other parents a friendly reminder that the kids would need to wear masks in the house. The other parent texted her back “WE’RE NOT DOING COVID.” Whaaaat? We’re not doing covid? What the hell response is that?
Wow, I wish I could simply say, “WE’RE NOT DOING CANCER” or “WE’RE NOT DOING OLD AGE” but unfortunately, I live in the real world.
I actually feel bad for the person who thinks that way. We’re not doing covid. By refusing to acknowledge reality, they are cutting themselves off from their community. Instead of tapping into the support that comes from being in it together, they’re choosing isolation.
I’m hoping to make 2022 a year where I can appreciate the people in my life who are “in it” together with me. They are what got me through 2021 — maybe this year I can return the favor.