Tuxedo: Day 26 Slice of Life Story Challenge
My Two Writing Teachers colleagues and I are hosting the 14th Annual March Slice of Life Story Challenge, in which teachers from around the world participate in posting a story per day.
On Monday, Jackson asked, “How many more days until my tuxedo is here?”
On Tuesday, he asked, “When will the tuxedo be here?”
On Wednesday, “Is it here yet?”
On Thursday, just the top hat arrived. Hooray! But it was a little too big for Jackson’s seven-year-old head, so he figured out how to wear another hat underneath it so it would'n’t fall off.
He wore the top hat with his tee shirt and jeans to school on Friday, and when he got home from school, he asked, “Is the tuxedo here yet?”
Finally, a week after it had been ordered, purchased with Jackson’s saved up allowance, the tuxedo arrived.
“YESSSSSS!” he shouted and ran upstairs to put it on.
A few minutes later he appeared in the living room, dressed head-to-toe in his tuxedo, and fake mustache.
“Oh, hello, madame,” he said in his fanciest sounding voice.
“Oh hello,” I said back, “and who is this handsome young man?”