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Dear Kids: Day 31 March Slice of Life Story Challenge

My Two Writing Teachers colleagues and I are hosting the 13th Annual March Slice of Life Story Challenge, in which hundreds of teachers participate in posting a story per day.

Dear Kids,

Today is the last day of the March Slice of Life Challenge. Every day, for thirty-one days I have written you a letter. So much has changed in just one month. When I first started, I was only vaguely aware of something called coronavirus that had been in the news. On my last work trip to Hawaii in February, they asked extra questions at the airport: Had I traveled to China recently? Had I experienced fever or coughing? They swiped my hand with a cotton swab, weirdly.

But now, covid-19 rules our life. We have school at home, we have to stay six feet away from people when we do go out, which is rare. We have to watch out for how much toilet paper we use. Our basement is stocked with nonperishables.

Today, we all hiked Sterling mountain, as a family. Dad, Lily, and I skinned, and Jackson boot-packed. Jed and his sons came too, and we all made sure to stay at least six feet apart from each other the entire time. I imagine that when you two are all grown up you’ll probably have memories of Dad, Jed, and I shouting, “Distance!” as a reminder to all the kids to stay away from each other.

It was a beautiful sunny day today, and there’s still plenty of snow on the mountain. It was a perfect spring skiing day. On the way down, watching you all ski, I was so proud of all of you!

But… the entire time we were skiing I couldn’t turn off the little voice in my head that worries. What if one of you broke a bone hit your head? No one plans to get injured.

But nobody got hurt. We made our way down the mountain, one steep pitch at a time, enjoying the sun and fresh air. Hooting and hollering. Safe and sound.

Let’s hope that April brings plenty of sunshine.


Your Mom