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One Little Word for 2021: Inconceivable

Every January, my Two Writing Teachers colleagues and I each choose “One Little Word” for the year. This year, I have delayed,

and delayed,

delayed some more.

I just can’t seem to wrap my head around anything these days.

Last year my One Little Word was humor—and that turned out the be pretty accurate on a certain level. 2020 was so terrible, so unimaginably awful, that sometimes you just had to laugh. Also, I really did take the goal of humor to heart, and starting in January of last year, I read at least one book written by a comedian a month, reading and listening to about 15 books by comedians in all in 2020. Reading all those comedian-authored books lead me down this weird rabbit hole into a world of comedy-fandom that I hadn’t previously known about. It’s been great, and it has changed my reading life for the better.

But 2021…

I just don’t know. Maybe… Dumpsterfire? Craptastic? What’s something that captures just how unbelievably terrible things will most likely get before they get better?



It feels really good to say it. I can see why Vizzini keeps using that word, even though it does not mean what he thinks it means.