Literacy Together

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Copycat Kid: Tuesday Slice of Life Story Challenge

A very tiny slice of life from bedtime tonight:

Me: “Jackson, honey, go brush your teeth.”

Jackson: “Jackson honey go brush your teeth!” (Fit of giggles follows.")

Me: “No, really. Please go brush your teeth right now.”

Jackson: “No really please go brush-you-teeth-right-now.” (More giggles.)

Long pause.

Me: “Jackson…”

Jackson: “Jaaaackson! Hahahahaha!”

Another long pause.

Me: “My mom is the coolest mom in the world.”

Jackson: “My mom is the coolest mom in the world! Hahahahahahaha!” (Runs down the hall, toothbrush in hand.)

Every Tuesday my Two Writing Teachers colleagues and I host the Slice of Life Story Challenge. Teachers from all around the world participate in sharing a story each week.